Thursday, October 29, 2009

M F Hussein's Hypocrisy....Judge Yourself

And, of course, of all those who plead Hussein 'Not Guilty' in the name of Art & freedom of expression!

If a person dresses like a Sikh Guru, thousands of Sikhs gather and destroy their establishments , threaten to kill him, announce a bounty on his head - Sikhs are not criticized for being communal and intolerant,

If a Danish journalist depicts the Prophet of the Muslims , Muslims all over the world rise in anger, there is violence, a booty on the head of the Journalist - Muslims are not criticized for being communal and intolerant,

MF Hussain draws paintings depicting Hindu Gods and Goddesses in sexual positions (which relations are not borne out by ancient texts at all ) and Hindus merely protest , they are called communal, intolerant and taught lessons in secularism by one and all.

The problem apparently is not with Sikhs and Muslims, it is with Hindus , because we are not violent, we accept what ever is dished out to us , we do not have the guts to say that this is wrong , we seek acceptance from outsiders rather than from our conscience. We worship the same Gods and Goddesses but don't stand up for them when the time comes.

If you believe Hussein is wrong, forward this message.

Be a judge yourself of Hussein's paintings below.

1 comment:

  1. India does not deserve Hussain. Let him live in Qatar and let him draw women from that country in the nude or for that matter their prophet and then we will see how the muslim world reacts. Unfortunatly, the Indian media cuddles people who dis-respect Hindus.

